Kroger Agrees to Pay $1.2 Billion to Settle Opioid Claimsnews2023-09-08T18:18:48+00:00September 8th, 2023|The New York Times|
Walmart Agrees to Pay $3.1 Billion to Settle Opioid Lawsuitsnews2022-11-15T19:30:25+00:00November 15th, 2022|The New York Times|
CVS and Walgreens Near $10 Billion Deal to Settle Opioid Casesnews2022-11-02T21:46:14+00:00November 2nd, 2022|The New York Times|
Tribes Reach $590 Million Opioid Settlement With Johnson & Johnsonnews2022-02-01T22:52:05+00:00February 1st, 2022|The New York Times|