Industry News

Chemical Industry News

Atomic traffic control

February 18th, 2025||

UNESCO's International Year of Quantum Science and Technology begins with a success for TU researchers at the Institute of Applied Physics: Physical Review Research publishes results of their research on dichroic mirror pulses. These act

A 150-year-old problem resolved using AI

February 18th, 2025||

Combining concepts from statistical physics with machine learning, researchers at the University of Bayreuth have shown that highly accurate and efficient predictions can now be made as to whether a substance will be liquid or

Nanoplastics at lofty heights

February 18th, 2025||

Nanoplastics - plastic particles smaller than 1 µm - are widely dispersed because of their low weight. A research team coordinated by the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) has now published an article in